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Budget-Friendly Class A Discrete Mic preamps
We previously discussed why one would want to use a Class A and discrete microphone preamplifier, and how using one can increase the quality of your audio/recording projects. Here is a list of some of the options out there to achieve really good sound on a budget. This list is in alphabetical order. This page…
What’s the best rechargeble battery for guitar and bass?
Active guitar pickups (which includes piezo pickups) and all analog musical circuitry benefits from higher voltage. (The benefit is increased headroom). A fresh, regular “AA” battery produces 1.5 volts and that decreases as it loses its charge down to 1 volt where the device stops working. So, in general, if you’re about to record with…
A List of the fanciest Analog-to-Digital converters
While the best analog-to-digital converter (or “ADC”) is different for everyone here is a list of the most worthy contenders (and thus brands) on the market today. But first some advice: if you are planning to track your converter is probably not the weakest link in your recording setup. The room is more important than…
What is a Class A Discrete Mic preamp?
RND Shelford 5052 Mic Pre Rupert Neve DesignsLet’s break down each part of this: “class A” is a type of amplifier circuit that reproduces the whole audio signal. This is different than a “class B” amplifier which only produces the top or bottom of the sound wave. class B amplifiers are used two-at-a-time so one reproduces the top while the other reproduces…
Shure SM57 and SM58, predecessors, Beta 58 and more
“The 546 was a “high-end” version of a 545 that used a capsule selected for consistency. The SM56 and SM57 were originally sold as being non-reflective 546s. There was also a gold colored 546.” – Bob Olhsson (from Gearslutz) Crimson Audio SM57 and SM58 Mods Shure Unidyne III SM57 Search: Reverb ZenPro modded SM58 SM57 Granelli-SM57 Transformerless-Passive-SM57 Granelli-Transformerless-SM57 (no…
Line Level Inputs: The Difference Between +4 and -10 dBV
+4 dBu line inputs can handle a louder signal and have more headroom. They are found on high-end audio devices and increasingly more modern consumer devices. -10 dBV line inputs are the standard for consumer devices. For many the question is what setting should be used on a device’s line output and that depends on…
A history of the detailed microphones (ELA M 251, U47, C12, M49/M50, U67)
The “Detailed Mics” are a class of five historic microphones that have a few special qualities. The first being that they all have external power supplies instead of phantom power. This greatly increased the headroom because the boxes are not using phantom power which is limited to 48 volts. This is in part because phantom…
A way to get around iOS/iPhone’s annoying autoplay.
If you are like me and have your iPhone tethered to your car you will have noticed that iTunes likes to play the first song in your library when it forgets what you were doing last. Additionally the next few songs tend to be the same as well. While I don’t know why they haven’t…
The Fogcutters in the studio
The Fogcutters recently recorded with us and made this video. We used all of our inputs for this session!
Live At The Studio Portland – The Other Bones
The Other Bones recently came to The Studio to do a live recording, check it out!
I am very proud to have helped out a little for this album! Way to go!
My nerd quest is complete
Here it is, the Telefunken ELA M 251 The capsule is original to the mic and the sound blows me away! It instantly became my go-to instrument mic because I feel like it gets me where I want to be without using plug-ins roughly half the time and is detailed and full-bandwidth. It has rounded…
A new member of my family
I got an original Telefunken-branded U47. It’s got all of the trappings I wanted, the more recent capsule but original transformer and VF14 vacuum tube. It was Frank Sinatra’s favorite mic, he would sometimes refuse to use anything else. I’ve been told he called it “My Tele”. It was also a favorite of George Martin…